If you’ve recently had an accident or an injury it is possible that in addition to the physical effects of the accident, you may be experiencing some psychological or emotional effects. It doesn’t matter whether the accident was in the workplace or not.
Following your accident you may also have injuries; therefore it’s possible that you may be affected by the accident in any of the following ways:
An accident can impact on your life in many ways. You may find yourself at a loss to know how to cope. It can feel like even though you know your friends, family and employer are doing their best to help you, they don’t really seem to understand and you sense their frustration. You might wonder how long it will take for life to return to normal and fear that it might not ever be the same again.
It is possible that you may even be experiencing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as major stress, warfare, accidents or other threats on a person’s life.
Healing from the psychological trauma from an accident is possible. You can resolve your current problems; rebuild your sense of personal power and move beyond this difficult time. Counselling can help with this process.
How counselling can help you:
Listen to our podcast below on physical health featuring Classic-winning jockey George Baker who talks about his career-ending injury, PTSD and his road to recovery. Trainer Katie Scott gives her experiences of receiving physical support through Racing Welfare and the Injured Jockey’s Fund’s lead physio, Ross Hollingsworth gives top advice on physical health and recovery from injuries.
If you are struggling with a physical injury, do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 6300 443. You can call us 24 hours a day and the helpline is free and fully confidential.
Racing Welfare’s 24 hour support line enables people to access support and
guidance through digital and telephone options.
Jo Devereaux, who is Clinical Lead and a helpline counsellor explains below what you can expect when you call us: