24hr Support Line 0800 6300 443

Racing Welfare provides professional guidance and practical help to the stud, stable and racecourse staff, and those in a broad range of associated roles whose dedication is vital to the wellbeing of racing.

Fortunately, not everyone will need our help, but volunteering enables us to deliver support throughout the UK and make a real difference to people’s lives. Volunteers like you are vital in helping us achieve this, either through work directly in support of beneficiaries or through raising the funds needed to continue to provide the services that we offer. We very much welcome new volunteers in all sorts of roles to help us carry on providing support to those who need us. We would be delighted if you would like to join our Volunteer Programme.


Types of Volunteering

We currently offer opportunities for two befriending services:

In-Person Befriender

Join us in providing companionship and support to Racing Welfare beneficiaries, whether they reside in one of our housing schemes or within the community. As an In-Person Befriender, you’ll play a vital role in  enhancing their self-confidence along with their emotional health and well-being. By reducing social isolation and loneliness, you will help support and promote their independence.

Download the role description for the In-Person Befriender here HERE

Check-in and Chat Telephone Befriender:

Our Check-in and Chat service offers individuals experiencing loneliness or isolation an opportunity to connect with someone. Through weekly phone calls, you’ll provide a friendly ear and engaging conversation to those in need of companionship. Whether they’re seeking connection or simply a regular chat, your support as a Check-in and Chat Telephone Befriender will make a meaningful difference in their lives.

Download the role description for Check-in and Chat Caller HERE.

Please click here to fill out our befriender volunteer application form.

Racing Welfare’s Check-in and Chat service is part-funded by The National Lottery Community Fund

Many of our events would be impossible to run without support from our volunteers, helping with stewarding, ticket sales and many other jobs. Please keep an eye on this space for details of upcoming events where we need your help.

Download the role description for Event Supporter HERE.

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to support us at our coffee mornings, occasional trips out and events such as rounders with our beneficiaries and working age. No previous experience is necessary. All you need is a friendly demeanour and a willingness to lend a helping hand. Whether you can commit to one morning a week or just a few hours a month, your contribution is invaluable.

Please click here to fill out our community volunteer application form.


Case studies

We work hard to deliver enabling and proactive support to racing’s workforce. Here you can read more about our volunteers and the stories of their experience’s of volunteering for Racing Welfare.


Daphne’s story – Check-in and Chat: Read more HERE  

Rita and Lesley’s story – Check-in and Chat:  Read more HERE  

Want to sign up?

Ready to join us as a volunteer or just looking for more information?

If you’d like to sign up, email kpanagarry@racingwelfare.co.uk or by clicking the link on https://forms.volunteero.org/view/e294dff5-542d-437c-a729-0bbf51f10f1d

Confidentiality agreement

Safeguarding policy


Employer Supported Volunteering

Employer-supported volunteering (ESV) is where the employees of an organisation take paid time off to volunteer during work hours. Employees can choose to use their volunteering time to support a charity or community group of their own choice, or to take up an opportunity provided by their company.

Speak to your employer or HR team to find out more.

Get Support Now

Racing Welfare’s 24 hour support line enables people to access support and
guidance through digital and telephone options.