For a second year the Racehorse Owners Association will be offering contributions of £100 to trainers organising BBQs or other social events for their staff and owners during Racing Staff Week (1 – 8 July 2018).
The initiative, which saw contributions to 30 events in 2017, proved popular last year and provided an ideal environment for owners and staff to get to know each other better in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Owners have cited that an important element of their ownership experience is getting to know the member of staff that cares for their horse(s). It is hoped that these events will continue to develop owner/staff relationships, whilst also celebrating Racing Staff Week and the dedication of racing’s workforce.
BBQ organisers will be encouraged to take pictures and share them on social media using #racingstaffweek and #ROABBQs. Feedback on the events will also be invited.