How to get your free TV Licence
It has been announced that from June 1, 2020 pensioners aged over 75 will have to pay for their TV licence having previously received them for free. The TV licence costs £154.50 a year.
Those claiming pension credit will still be eligible.
If your TV licence expires when you are 74 you can apply for a short term licence to last until your 75th birthday.
When you apply for your free TV license, they will refund any months you have already paid past your 75th birthday.
The quickest way to apply is online and the TV Licensing website has more information about eligibility criteria.
Alternatively, you can call 0300 7906165.
You can also get a 50% discount if you, or someone you live with, is registered blind or severely partially sighted. To apply you will need to send a copy of your blind registration certificate, together with a cheque for 50% of the license cost and your address details to the TV licensing company.
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